
Snowy Christmas!

I know that a lot of people had a hard time with all of the snow we got this year. Portland just isn't prepared for 19+ inches of snow... but I loved it. For me the saddest part was that the really good snowy part happened BEFORE Christmas and by the time the big day arrived, it was melting.

I have been so busy the past few months, one of my cases had a criminal trial which settled, but what a nightmare getting ready for the media coverage that went along with the sentencing!! Apparently, there's supposed to be a big newspaper article at the end of the month too... by then I really hope that part is all over because it really sucks to read about yourself and know that the only perspective that was provided... the parents provided. I HATE not being able to fill in the facts about what's really going on! And, it's hard to watch people say how perfect they are, when they're not, nobody is and in truth they would be better served if they just owned that as the rest of us do and moved on. I realize that in reading this you have no idea what I'm talking about... that's generally the case I suppose. If I had time to write more frequently then I think all of the blanks would be a little clearly defined.

BUT, that was the beauty of the snow. Everyone got to slow down and work was put aside for play... it was a Christmas miracle! We had so much fun at home with the kids, of course when it was REALLY cold and we were stuck in the house all day that was not as much fun. But we made it through, we dug out art projects and made Santa ornaments and painted canvases for the kids to give as gifts. We also worked on an igloo with the neighbor, using recycling bins as molds for the bricks... we have been fortunate to have wonderful new neighbors and that has helped us not miss our old ones quite so much. I had enough time with the kids that I felt fine sending them off to find adventures in their rooms or the basement, without the usual mommy guilt that accompanies the working Mum. It made me wish I could stay home and really spend time with the kids like I used to. But, there are mouths to feed and bills to pay so I don't see that happening anytime in the near future.

I wish I had taken pictures of the snow when it was at its highest peak, but at that point we dug out the car and chained it up... with all wheel drive we could go anywhere and it was great to visit friends and take them the things they were unable to get out and get on their own.

If I had it my way, it would snow like this every year at Christmas!